July 22, 2005 

July 22, 2005

Well, today we had a Newcomer's Brief. That's where the Chaplain's Office gives a half day class on everything in Korea to the new people who have just arrived in Korea. We give the class once a month. Since the Chaplain is new, he attended the class, while I taught this time. After letting everyone go to lunch, I had them meet me at the Korean War Museum and gave them a tour of the place. That's me in the white colored shirt and blue jeans, fourth from the right. The new chaplain is the guy all the way on the right.
As soon as everyone else got off work, Kim, Fornillos, McGraw, and me all changed and headed to a restaurant called Kahunaville. Here is Kim. He found a coupon for 40% off the meal, which was awesome, but there is more about that, which I'll explain in just a second.

So anyway, we catch a taxi and tell him to take us to Kahunaville, but apparently the guy has no idea where he is going. I was the only one who knew where it was at, so I tried to tell the guy where to go, but he wouldn't listen and insisted to Kim that he knew where the place was at. Well he drove right by the place and kept on going, so I just told him to stop the taxi and let us out. We had to walk about half a mile to the place. When we got there they didn't have any seats available, so we had to wait. We killed some time in the arcade room until they called our name.

Here's McGraw playing G.I. Joe and trying to kill some guys.

The name of the place was Kahunaville. It's a sort of Hawaiian themed place.

So we sit down and order our food and they bring it out to us with these cool decorations on it. Everything was great.....except for one thing.

After we eat we get our bill, and the total is $160.00!!! We asked the waiter about the 40% discount we gave them, but they said that it is only good for Mondays and wednesdays, even though it said that nowhere on the coupon. So then Kim says he doesn't have any money on him. I had to pay $100 for our two meals Needless to say we won't eat at that place again, or at least only on Mondays or Wednesdays. Geez.

They had a little souvenier shop on the way out, so we tried on some of the odd hats they had. Here is Fornillos.

...and me

....Kim (dork)

...and McGraw.

Other than the price, everything was pretty good. By the time we got back I was pretty tired. But we still had time to play a little Medal of Honor. I had brought home the projector from work home with me and we hooked my X-Box up to it. We were killing each other on an 80 inch screen. It was awesome.

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