August 3, 2005 

August 3, 2005

It's getting a lot closer to leaving Korea now. Only 41 days to go before I head to Osan and catch my flight out of here.

I had something cool happen to me today. I called the radio station to request a song today, which has become sort of a daily routine now. Everyone always sees me and tells me they heard my song being played on the radio that day. Well today, I got to actually hear myself on the radio. The lady wanted to know why I didn't request something like Metallica today, since my request was a pretty mellow song, and I told her it was because I had requested Metallica yesterday. It was pretty cool to hear my own voice on the radio.

Jung and I drove the chaplain to see a soldier near the MP station today after lunch. While we waited for him we saw this dog walking around the office. It's sort of their mascot. The guy kept trying to eat the stick off of my sucker.

Here is Jung with the dog. After visiting that soldier we had to go visit one more at the hospital. We waited so long there for teh Chaplain that we boith went to sleep in the vehicle waiting for him. He was in there for 2 hours.

This is Kim, Fornillos, and Jung. We went out to Kahunaville for dinner tonight because it was the last night that we could eat there before Fornillos headed off to PLDC.

We saw these huge balls on the sidewalk on our way there. They were made out of metal. Kind of interesting I thought.

Iside Kahunaville I spotted these rather interesting lamps. If you can't see it very well, the on/off switch is located on thier "private" areas (which aren't so private).

And here I am looking over the menu for something to eat. Jung and Kim kept asking me to take a picture of our waitress because they thought she looked hot. Then one of the waitresses slipped an fell on her ass in front of us and broke a glass that she was carrying. The food was good though. I ate some shrimp pasta and had ice cream for desert. I'll be eating the leftovers for dinner tomorrow night.

I ran 5.5 miles this morning before work. They called off the exersize while I was at the gym, so I had to hurry and change to get to work. I'm trying to get at least 40 miles this week. I ran another 5 miles after I got back from the restaurant too. So that was almost 11 miles today. So far as of tonght I have 25.5 miles and 4 more days to get the other 15. I think I'll make it. I'm staying up pretty late tonight though, so I may be too tired to get a lot of miles tomorrow. Saturday is also going to be a very bust day for me. Hopefully I can make it. I'll let you know how it goes.

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